Calvin Otieno Odhiambo
Centafrique Consulting
Senior Consultant & Lead Training Services
Calvin Otieno is a Senior Associate (Economic Research & Policy) and SME advisor at Centafrique Consulting. He has 11+ years’ experience in Business development and advisory, project appraisal, customer service management and economic research and financial management.
He is an accredited business skills trainer and curriculum developer with the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC). In addition, he is part- time lecturer in business skills and customer service management at Kenya Pipeline Morendat College of Oil and gas·
Mr. Calvin Otieno has also worked as a senior business advisory officer in charge of consultancies, trainings and business advisory at Kenya Industrials Estates, a development finance institution providing credit and technical assistance to MSMEs. He currently also serves as a member of the Project Implementation Unit of the Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project (KIEP) – a World Bank funded project that support SMEs recover from effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya. He previously worked as customer service officer and corporate trainer with Standard Chartered Bank-Kenya for six years.
His has executed several successful assignments including; Research studies on impact of Covid-19 on SME development, advisory projects and consultancies mainly in manufacturing, value addition and agro-processing.
Mr Clavin Otieno holds a B.A degree in Economics and sociology and a Masters of economics (Cooperation and Human Development) at Kenyatta University –Kenya